Club Officer
Regional Leader
Thurs Sep 14, 2023  Our Lion testers are in the new portal! They will find issues and report, that is what User Acceptance Testing is all about. We are thankful for their work to ensure a successful launch in January 2024.           Sue Ben

Weds September 6, 2023

Dear Lion Leader,

We are continuing to make progress toward the new Lion Portal, which will provide a streamlined digital experience for Lions and Leos. We are grateful to the dedicated Lion testers who have played a critical role in providing input at every phase of the project, and this includes helping assess our readiness for launch. Our top priority is ensuring our members have a positive experience with the new Lion Portal.

With that priority in mind, we have determined that we need to adjust our projected Q1 launch. Lion testers are key to our success and their testing activities have been delayed to correct an unexpected permission and data access issue. We have carefully assessed the remaining scope of work and necessary changes to support the resolution passed at the 105th international convention in Boston to determine the revised target launch date. Our next launch opportunity is January 2024. This incorporates the new rules for delegate count and allows midyear membership changes to be processed in a familiar system.

We will also be sharing this update with Global Action Team area leaders, district governors and council chairpersons in the next few days. Thank you for your continued support and leadership as we prepare for the new Lion Portal.

Sincerely, Sue Ben
Chief of Technology
Lions International

Weds September 3, 2023
from Liz Huskey:(per Paul Hancock)

I am pleased to announce that we have the new timeline to begin UAT testing! The new plan is as follows:

You will receive an email with full instructions on how to login and begin testing on either 9/12 or 9/13. Once you receive that email, you can begin your UAT testing. The window of time for UAT testing will be from 9/13 through 9/27.

If anything should change, I certainly will let you know. Otherwise, please be on the lookout for your invite email on the 12 or 13th.

Again, thanks for your patience and we look forward to sharing the new Lion Portal with you!

Yours truly,
